Hello to no one who is reading this. It's been awhile, thanks for being patient.
Since I've been gone much has happenend Chroma Specter. I've written 3 songs since "If I Ran The Circus" (mentioned in an earlier post). I also have about 5 more tunes at various stages of completion. One of the 3 new songs is a cool work that was co-wrote by myself and my great new guitarist friend Edward Berriman living in southern England. It was an amazing process working with someone half-way around the world, exclusively by email and sending music files back and forth, somehow creating a lively and energetic performance and a cohesive song. A fully formed sound without all the band drama– I like this! Oh, BTW the song is called "Always Surrender". Check it out: http://www.macjams.com/song/62945
The two other completed songs are "Lighten Up", a catchy little jazzy tune featuring some of my best sax work. I also play bass guitar on this. The other song is called "1000 years", a total experiment and brain twister for me that grazes the ambient/world music genres. I don't really remember how it all came about but there it is in all its cryptic, bizarre glory. Multiple time signatures, creepy chanting and whispering, blazing synth guitars, Chinese bells, saxes, synths, lightening and wind. I'll be honest, it's not an easy listen, not something that you'd dance to or crank in the car on a long drive. It's music for a fever dream, a nightmare, or the Apocalypse. Anyway, not to worry, the other material that I'm working on is more inline with Chroma Specters musical mission statement (lighter more poppy fair).
Oh, my old guitarist buddy from "LoveSeat Daredevil", Gabe Ulibarri has finally made the smart switch to mac computers and has his own home studio up and running. It's great to hear his stuff again and I hope to have his killer guitar on some of my songs in the future. . .the future . . .the future. . .2011 . . .2011 . . .2011. . .
I've put my foot down and drawn a line in the sand. After 2 years of being at the mercy of this toilet bowl recession, 2011 is the year that I take it all back. The year that I finally bring myself and my family back to the land of the living and the reasonably prosperous. You have no idea how tired I am from the stress of the past 2 years, and it stops now!
No sooner do I make this statement and square my shoulders than Lola, who has been the champion holding our family together financially gets a notice today that her department at the greedy, unscrupulous bank where she works is getting shut down, and laying off the entire department . . .seriously what the $#@%!!!
Apparently 2011 is going to put up a fight and be a pain in the a$$ for a bit. We've been living in this economic limbo for so long now that in some ways we are not that shocked. Like what the hell else can happen to us? Apparently the shit bucket is deep and ever flowing.
Well, we are blessed with our health, our amazing kids, each other and our music.
I spit in disgust and determination, re-square my shoulders and try again. Thanks for listening.
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