Saturday, April 17, 2010

Idea begets Idea

Since I seem to be at a temporary pause with my current song, the creative juices are flowing, just not in the direction that they need to be from my point of view. So a new song is in the works while the other new song sits and thinks about what its trying to prove.

Coolness, that this new groove comes together so fast. The challenge is to create a somewhat viable electric guitar sound out of a synth. It needs some teeth and edge and groove to work. Again we'll see. This whole Chroma Specter project is really one big experiment, carefully intended, but ultimately trying to be something new yet approachable to the casual and serious listener alike.

Anyway, the new tunes working title is "If I Ran The Circus"; taken from an obscure Dr. Seuss book, but also a phrase that means "I have an opinion!"

In other news: My young son and daughter attended a "Rodeo Party" today and rode horses (real cowboy work horses) for the first time. Quite a thrilling experience though my daughter who is almost 3 was also amazed at the manure on the ground and couldn't stop talking about that too. It's the simple things in life I guess.

Thanks for listening.

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