Sunday, July 8, 2012


Yeah, got few new song ideas that are in the early stages. As you know by
now, these will take way too long to reach completion. I hope they're worth
the wait. In the meantime, I recently did some sax and backup vocal work
on a song from my good friend and former LSD guitarist Gabe. The tune is
a punk/metal version of a well known children's song. Think of something
along the lines of NOFX. Check it out.

Also, I'm on my 3rd version of the well-worn Kicbal Studio. Once a vast
underground lair of home studio wizardry and an occasional doubling as
a guest bedroom. Then as a smaller suburban phoenix office/guest
bed/graphic design studio. And now relegated to a corner of my master
bedroom after our 3rd child Britta took residence. Oh well, hopefully the
music is improving even if the creative space is not.

Thanks for listening.